How To Care For Your Dohar

How Do I Look After My Dohar?
If you’ve just bought a beautiful new Dohar for your home, you’ll want to be sure that you’re looking after it properly to make certain that it’ll stand the test of time. As these high-quality blankets are designed to last, they’re very durable, but if you don’t wash it correctly, you could find that your lovely new Dohar doesn’t stay looking or feeling its best for long!
With this in mind, we’re bringing you a simple guide to caring for your Dohar, but the good news is that there isn’t much to it! Just follow these easy tips and your authentic Indian Dohar will stay in top condition for many years to come!
How Do I Wash My Dohar?
At some point you’re going to wash your Dohar, especially if you’re using it as your regular bedding, or you’re using it as an outdoor blanket when having a picnic. Fortunately, you have a choice about how to keep it clean. You can opt to handwash it if you prefer, or if you like to keep things quick and simple, you can pop it into your washing machine and wash it at 30 degrees. Your Dohar will come out looking fantastic, ready to dry. A 30-degree gentle cycle is the best temperature for your Dohar since high temperatures are both non-eco-friendly and could also damage your Dohar’s fabric, ruining the natural softness of the cotton. Opt for a wool or synthetic setting to ensure the fabric stays as cosy and soft as possible.
It's important to choose a suitable detergent too. An eco-friendly washing powder or one that is less heavy-duty is the best solution as it will protect your Dohar from damage while also keeping it smelling fantastic. If you’re planning to put your Dohar in your washing machine, it’s a good idea to wash it separately from other laundry items just in case a stray clasp or zip snags the material. It’ll also ensure that you don’t overfill the drum and accidentally damage your Dohar and machine at the same time.
How Do I Dry My Dohar?
The most important thing when drying your Dohar is not to leave it lying around soaking wet. That won’t do it any good at all, and it’ll make a big soggy mess in your house too! The best way to get your Dohar dry is to hang it up on your washing line and let the sun and wind dry it naturally. Not only will it help save on your energy bills and reduce your carbon footprint at the same time, but it’ll also help to keep your Dohar smelling fresh and pleasant. This is certainly the preferred method for drying Dohars in India. However, unfortunately in the UK we can’t guarantee that we’ll have fine weather for outdoor drying! That’s why it’s such good news that Dohars can be tumble dried too! On days when we’re experiencing classic British weather with rain (or worse, snow!) that doesn’t mean you can’t wash and dry your Dohar. Just pop it into your tumble drier and set it to a gentle heat. It will come out perfectly dry and in great condition ready for use once more.
What Else Should I Not Do With My Dohar?
There’s one major thing that you should never do with your Dohar and that’s bleaching it. The dyes that are used to make the block patterns are very gentle and could easily be damaged or completely destroyed if you use bleach on them. If you get a stain on your Dohar that can’t be removed through regular washing, make sure to only use dye-safe cleaning products to spot clean the area carefully. Avoid rubbing the area vigorously too as this could damage its surface.
Never send your Dohar to the dry cleaners either! The process of dry cleaning uses chemicals that can irreversibly damage it, so save yourself the time and money of taking it to your local cleaners and wash it yourself at home instead!

One more thing to be aware of is extended periods of exposure to the direct sun. Short bursts of sunlight while drying your Dohar on the washing line won’t cause any problems, but if you’re using it on a bed that is directly under the window, make sure to keep your blinds or curtains closed on sunny days, or move it away from the sunlight as the colours could end up fading over time.
It doesn’t need to be tricky to care for your new Dohar, but if you follow these top tips, you’ll enjoy using it for many years to come!